Saturday, November 15, 2014
Amazing what some women will do
I could never quite grasp the concept of women actively searching out convicted sex offenders for relationships. But its not as rare as one would suppose it is. (Which is frightening). Many support groups (especially the daily strength) website have various forums for persons who look for affirmation from others and pour out their guts looking for the proverbial pat on the back from like minded persons in the same "sinking boat".
What is common seems to be women who may have either had teenage relationships or had early aquaintance relationships with offenders. For some deranged reason many of these women re-connect with these offenders after 15-20 years. Seems after they have married, had children and then divorce do they actively re-engage with either someone in prison or have been released from prison and have sex offender status?? Of course the ever present "I always knew he was my soul mate" is the most prevalent "excuse" for resuming the relationship. What is very unsettling is these "women" have forfieted their relationships with Parents, friends and relatives when they expose their new "love interest" and even more disturbing is many times they give up their "children".
If it were not so "pathetic" to read the predictable excuses and Promises these "convicts" make and these "women" fall for, it would be comical. "He swears" he would never "do it again"? He "cant wait to be in my arms"? "He has learned his lesson and All he can envision is a walk on the beach arm in arm"?? Oh and can you send extra "canteen" money for "tennis shoes"? "sorry about the $300 buck collect calls and that extra job you had to take to pay for my worthless ass while I sit in here". "It will be worth it, once I have you in my arms"? and these broads fall for it.
Here is the clincher,the sheer number of excuses they make for their "soul mates" crimes. The pressure of their jobs, the unhappiness of their previous relationship, the meth, the coke, the alcohol, (and thats on the rare occation where the perp actually admits to the crime) seems to be a viable excuse for these women to look past the criminal histories and play martyr! One must ponder what will these "freaks" do when the pressure of parole, the registry, the hunt for employment, the GPS fees, the counseling fees and the residency restrictions hit them between the eyes. Wonder how long it takes for the "bloom to fall off the rose" then?
I'll tell you how long, when these women realize they dont even KNOW this guy, but its too late because they dug their heels in with everyone who knew them, already spent thousands on the guy,are the predominant breadwinner and are too embarrassed to admit they "fucked up" by even attempting a life with this "stranger". But they will continue on these "forums" to get a high five from other women who chose an equally dismal road to travel so they can wallow in their stupidity together. Which takes us full circle, they seem to think the Post incarceration issues is the source of their woes, if society took all that away, abolished the registry, no fees, no restrictions, These convicts would actually have to "perform" being an equal partner in the relationship which they were never capable of being before they got arrested?? Chicken or the egg???
Friday, November 14, 2014
Women Against Registry - College president: Women lie about rape when sex doesn't "turn out the way they wanted"
Women Against Registry - College president: Women lie about rape when sex doesn't "turn out the way they wanted"
Interesting, Vicki Henry chose to profile this article on her W.A.R. site? One must ponder how she only derived a "false rape" claim out of the peice, rather than the obvious "affirmative action placement of a college professor so typical in academia" conclusion? Seems the article hit a nerve and a rebuttal to almost every one but her? Oh silly me, I forget there are NO legistimate Rapes or sexual assaults in Vicki Henry's world.
Interesting, Vicki Henry chose to profile this article on her W.A.R. site? One must ponder how she only derived a "false rape" claim out of the peice, rather than the obvious "affirmative action placement of a college professor so typical in academia" conclusion? Seems the article hit a nerve and a rebuttal to almost every one but her? Oh silly me, I forget there are NO legistimate Rapes or sexual assaults in Vicki Henry's world.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Man arrested for sexually abusing girl at his mom's Gresham day care
Man arrested for sexually abusing girl at his mom's Gresham day care
Obviously another one who cant be fixed.
Obviously another one who cant be fixed.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Honey Boo Boo
Could Mama June Shannon be reality TV’s worst mother? Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson’s beloved uncle, Lee “Uncle Poodle” Thompson, has exclusively revealed to The National ENQUIRER that he witnessed the 9-year-old former pageant queen snuggle in bed with her mother’s convicted child molester ex, Mark McDaniel, while on a group trip to a Cherokee, North Carolina, casino in September. Seems the honey boo boo controversy is hot over at the "pro-Perv" site. As usual the commenters are more outraged at the child's exploitation by the show than they are by the molestation of the older sister or the criminal history of Mama June's new pillow partner.One poster actually thought this new turn of events should be used to show the "plight" of child molesters???
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Obviously Halloween isnt as "benign" as the pro pervs thinks it is..
Monday, November 3, 2014
from the daily strength "families of sex offenders" site
Echo moon write "i honestly can't even begin to imagine or try to understand what her life must be like. to have her personal thoughts and demons eat at her every moment she breathes.
to be so totally driven by such insane anger, bitterness, hatred and vindictiveness has got to rot the soul and what little there is left of the brain??""
Oh Really, seems to be a common theme among this group,a perception of some angry bitter old alcoholic that has nothing to do but pick on sex offender families. I think its time we get something on the table (not that it will help). I rarely drink, it doesnt feel good the next day and a woman my age has a tendency to wear the alcohol she drinks and I pride myself on my looks, and its really not a vice of mine, contrary to Oncefallen's interpretation of a picture of me at a fundraiser. I along with the Mayor, two city commissioners all played the game and all left sober and happy. The Mayor of Fort Lauderdale is in the background. "what life must be like" as echo ask? Life is good, close friends and family members and a man who for 27 years has never lied or cheated on me or MOLESTED MY CHILDREN. He stepped up to the plate with a single mother and they adore him, who are now out on their own.. I live in a beautiful home in fort lauderdale with a country club membership with which I enjoy many Sunday brunches with the people I love and who love me. I have a wonderful job with the best boss in Lauderdale and clients who appreciate and love me. That job has been ongoing for 25 years. I tried to retire 15 years ago but it was agreed that I needed to stay, and I am happy I have. I thoroughly enjoy hunting birds and alligators. Its my thing and I am very very good at it and a better shot than most people I know.My arrest and subsequent lawsuit against the police department that vindicated my stance that day is one I am especially proud of. I have no intentions of "expunging" it or hiding from it. Contrary to Oncefallen's inserts of felong convictions and multiple arrest record visions, I am not a felon and am very active in the republican party "in which I vote"! I have a concealed weapons permit of which I did not have "on me" the day of the arrest. I will encourage anyone who is curious to google Dale Weeks, Dale Weeks was the equivalent of Hannible Lector who happened to move into my neighborhood the week before the incident. Regardless of your feelings on the flyers, Dale Weeks was not going to live in my zip code-period and end of discussion. If you have a issue with that, my opinion is you can go fuck yourself, If another Dale Weeks moved into the neighborhood tomorrow, I would do the same thing again. I have no horror stories or horrendous tales of abuse as child, in fact I come from the most loving and caring and affluent families one could ever hope to have,so I cant really wrap my head around the horror stories I read on your site on a daily basis. It makes no sense to me, I dont get it, but more important I dont get how many on the daily strength can condition themselves to it. I dont hate you, and in as much as it soothes the daily strength group to think I wallow in hate, alcohol and demons, I actually have a very charmed life who think your post often mirror some very stupid and nieve' women who are an embarrassment to the rest of our species. You enhance that embarrassment when you align with sexual predators or offenders who on site you brown nose, but in reality are the source of Your predicaments. I can never quite square that in my head. My perception of your group is you have found yourselves in a very horrible position often by no actions of your own, but the longer you spend with the group You relish the pain of a new member so you can rationalize your position. New People come on with tales of woe, you welcome them and encourage them to make the wrong choices, so you wont have to be faced with making the right ones yourself. I have read absolute horrendous exposes' of scenarios these women pour out to you and you long timers actually encourage her to stay with these deviants, because You WANT her and her children who are often the victims, to stay in this dark place and re-enforce and validate YOUR horrible lives.I also believe in reform but True reform wont come from those who align with the "loudest mouths" and the worst criminal histories, True reform will come from non offenders with the loudest mouths (me) but I refuse to exert my extensive knowledge and efforts on those who thank, revere and hold in esteem the very deviants you and WAR, Sosen, RSOL hold up as heros. You know who they are, you know they are dangerous and you know they are guilty, but look to them as heros because they hold a common status?? I hope that helps (for many of you) it will be pointless, due to the fact you want me to be some lonely, desolate, angry, woman. Sorry to disappoint, I wouldnt change a thing about my life or my family (contrary to your heros references to people I dont know). What I do is a calling, it takes no effort and no regret. Is it harsh? most definitely, I suggest you get use to it. I also suggest many of you stand back and walk away from many of the losers who will be a rope around your necks for the rest of your lives, for others I hope a better place comes soon.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
ahh Halloween 2
shows how stupid Sex offenders are.
Ahh Halloween course this must be a figment of my imagination, according to the pervs- NO offender gets in trouble on Halloween right?
Friday, October 31, 2014
How "insightful" is this?
The last two days started out as rather mundane and uneventful. Following the droppings of Pro offender propagandist attempting to leave their bullshit words of wisdom on any and every forum they could land on and my usual attempt at clarifying their message by "picking at their bones" magnifying their motives.
While directing my attention to two different forums both on the same topic of the ACLU defending the Homeless sex offenders in Miami, our resident half wit, defiant, Level three sex offender (no not oncefallen) "RUDY" became very agitated on one of the forums.
Now I have been "observing" Rudy for longer than I prefer to admit but something was very different with RUDY on this one forum. I must insert that the some of the Usual crowd of Pro-pervs came in to lift their leg and contribute their worthless two cents however, One Contributor Shelly Stow from "Justice for all" aka RSOL aka the NEW NAMBLA was very much active. It seems Shelly the ever diplomatic, soft spoken, self percieved "voice of reason" whose Byline is "compassion and Educated Understanding" for those Under Status Never seemed to notice Rudy's public implosion and obvious cry for help.
Rudy as I determined had been up for well over 30 hours and his obvious "lack of medication" was akin to watching him set himself on fire in a crowded Intersection. His ramblings became increasingly more self destructive and yet No One noticed but me? No one made the attempt to even reign him in? Not one attempt by even one of his compadres to recognize the damage he was doing to himself. I found that so obvious, so odd and yet so predictable by these "groups". They spend hours and hours a day focused on "converting" the public to their pleas of educating the non offending casual observer and yet not one Noticed Rudy crashing and burning and begging for help..
I have always considered Rudy more dangerous to himself than the general public, I have reservations about that perception due to being so badly burned by "oncefallen" but today Rudy's behavor lingers with me. Rudy is on some strong medication, that I know and today more than usual its very apparent that medication is not effective or very dangerously mis-prescribed. Lets see how long it takes for one of his co-horts to even notice? The fact it was "me" to become aware first, only validates my opinion that these people dont give a shit about anyone or thing but themselves.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sex Offenders and social media
seems convicted sex offenders cant and wont make the connection that Facebook and SO status doesnt go together.
seems convicted sex offenders cant and wont make the connection that Facebook and SO status doesnt go together.
Halloween and Sex Offenders
Every year we are told by Offenders and their supporters that Halloween is a harmless day for sex offenders. They swear by all things holy Offenders do not commit crimes or violate the terms and conditions various cities set forth pertaining to this Holiday. Well, this year they wont get away with it.
Every year we are told by Offenders and their supporters that Halloween is a harmless day for sex offenders. They swear by all things holy Offenders do not commit crimes or violate the terms and conditions various cities set forth pertaining to this Holiday. Well, this year they wont get away with it.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Oh really?
This freak should have already had a needle stuck in his arm. There is NO fixin this kind of broke and the correctional is thoroughly broken for the simple fact this worthless example of DNA has an audience in front of a parole board. The public should comprehend this is a publicity bone that was thrown at society, the sad awful truth is that guys like this are quietly released everyday into our neighborhoods.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
and this Ladies an Gents are how Victims are born
EffieSteffie is a member of "families of sex offenders" and posted months ago how she has found her "true love" and "soul mate" but was apprehensive about telling her family about his sex offender status. Ok jump ahead until she posted how "happy" she was and how much the relationship has grown, How she has met his family and how estatic they are of the relationship (no shit, I'll bet they would be estatic if she had two heads and a four foot tail to hook up with this loser and let her carry the load and walk on that glass) but I digress, the troubling aspect of her post was that she included in her euphoria that HE HAD met EVERY MEMBER of HER family also and has YET to disclose the fact to HER FAMILY he is a Convicted Sex Offender?? Are ya walking with me? If I wasnt banned from this site, I would inform Ms Effie, that to have brought this man around my family without telling me of his criminal conviction, all HELL would reign down for the rest of her clueless life. I am bombarded by headlines everyday how victims and their families were targeted by a boyfriend of a family member, a "friendly" neighbor, an aquaintance who was brought into the Victim's airspace and the hundred other examples that derive from a "failure to disclose"..Here is her picture, so if you recognize her Beware..
Friday, October 3, 2014
Sex offender charged with stalking kids near school
Sex offender charged with stalking kids near school
and (drumroll) the truly dumbshit Vicki Henry thinks he must have autism and doesnt understand he isnt suppose to kidnap kids....I have heard some real crap from her but this will make my top ten..
and (drumroll) the truly dumbshit Vicki Henry thinks he must have autism and doesnt understand he isnt suppose to kidnap kids....I have heard some real crap from her but this will make my top ten..
Wrap your head around this??
Luluchan from "families of sex offenders" posted she was having an issue "forgiving" her already registered sex offender husband for searching pre- teen porn recently and she is devastated. She happened to find it in the search history of her computer?? Now she is looking for advice from this collection of numb-nuts??
The first responders of her post are trying to convince her, looking for teen porn really isnt that bad, after all they are adults at 18?? Other "geniuses are inferring that there is nothing wrong with it, if he is trying to enhance their sex life as a couple, (crack me up)if not so pathetic, and then there is, put lockdown software on the computer so he cant view it,and of course the seek counseling words of wisdom? Now normally I wouldnt find all this particularly troubling due to the fact I already "know" these freaks dont change their spots, but I just read pages and pages of the "unfairness" of the prison system, the ongoing bitch and moan of sending money thru the correctional system and a myriad of other complaints of those embroiled in these crimes so when one poster offered up "you should tell him (referring to the husband of Luluchan) that if YOU catch him "one more time" that he is out" It re-enforces these women get everything they deserve for sticking with these deviants.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Chicago Tribune - Front Page - DNA leads to charges in 6 rapes dating back to 2003
Chicago Tribune - Front Page - DNA leads to charges in 6 rapes dating back to 2003
ahh look new members for WAR "WomenAgainstRegistry"
ahh look new members for WAR "WomenAgainstRegistry"
slumming on pro-offender sights
Cruising Pro offender sites can be very interesting due to the fact the "mindset" of these members are often a birdeye view of observing what "conditioning" looks like over any length of time. I am long past trying to figure out why some of these groups have the attitude they do about sex crimes and I believe I have deduced these attitudes down to a few reasons. The main one of course is that NAMBLA is alive and well and calling the shots on many of the directives that motivate these groups and their tireless efforts to make sex with kids, mainstream and accepted. The majority of NAMBLA are classic textbook pedophiles who are devious and manipulative, that's a gimmie, thats a fact. But what about the women who staunchly defend the abusers and spend their days minimizing these crimes and the impact on society as a whole? What are their motives? Usually their efforts stem from either a family member, spouse or close friend who have embroiled themselves into the correctional system by "committing" a crime and are now left to pick up the peices. Over the years I have observed these family members who initially can only be described as having been "deer caught in headlights" and then go on to research every aspect of the aftermath by those whom they think they can relate to and have "lived" thru it. Thats when they "find" these pro-offender groups who welcome them with open arms, rather like a spider does to a fly who stumbles in their web. Of course the NEW member is grateful and quickly developes a comraderie with those with who they can relate to. I don't think there is anything abnormal about that and can be considered human nature, but when does it Change from looking for advice to complete distain for Victims?
Monday, September 29, 2014
Ukraine-based hardcore child pornography website founder sentenced
Ukraine-based hardcore child pornography website founder sentenced
so much for that accidently stumbled on a Child Porn site excuse..
so much for that accidently stumbled on a Child Porn site excuse..
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Florida high school senior rapes, chokes teacher on campus: cops
Florida high school senior rapes, chokes teacher on campus: cops
Nash's grandmother, Annie Nash, said the teen could have learned the behavior from his father, who is a registered sex offender. "Ya think"???
Nash's grandmother, Annie Nash, said the teen could have learned the behavior from his father, who is a registered sex offender. "Ya think"???
Friday, September 26, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Ahh look a new Christmas Card List
Ricky Lee Williams
•Crime: 35-42-4-3 - child molesting, Conviction date: 1996-05-21
Agyemang Sparks
•Crime: 2907.05 - gross sexual imposition;(pre awa) sexually oriented offender, Jurisdiction: Ohio
Antonio Moore
•Crime: 9999 - other crime;(pre awa) habitual sex offender w/notifications, Jurisdiction: Ohio
•Crime: 2950.05 - failure to provide change of address;(pre awa) habitual sex offender w/notifications, Jurisdiction: Ohio
•Crime: 9999 - other crime;(pre awa) habitual sex offender w/notifications, Jurisdiction: Ohio
•Crime: 2907.05 - gross sexual imposition;(pre awa) habitual sex offender w/notifications, Conviction date: 1999-02-22, Jurisdiction: Ohio
•Crime: 2907.05(a)4 - gross sexual imposition victim under 13;(pre awa) habitual sex offender w/notifications, Conviction date: 2009-03-19, Jurisdiction: Ohio
Donna Kistler, aka “Mrs. K”
Donna’s argument that MOST child sexual abuse is due to negligence on the part of the parent- umm oh really?
What WE DO know is that Donna’s husband is someone who is the epitome of the reason for the registry. He IS the one who should be on a registry. She can’t argue her case by telling the truth. So she points to imperfect parents, and she points to public urinators and Romeo and Juliet cases. But she doesn’t tell you that her husband broke into a womans home and raped her in the night, that he attempted to do that to two other women and spent 15 years in prison for it. And she sure doesn’t tell you that he was released from prison on July 26, 2004 and on July 19, 2005 he tried to pick up a 9 year old child outside an elementary school.
Trying to find location and updated info on Donna's freak husband. Seems to be lots of "Kistlers" listed on the registry.
Convicted sex offender arrested again after child assaulted
Convicted sex offender arrested again after child assaulted
The police would have been the last people I would have called, two center shots to mass and one to head..
The police would have been the last people I would have called, two center shots to mass and one to head..
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Paris sex offender arrested for sexually assaulting infant
Paris sex offender arrested for sexually assaulting infant
yea and picks tomatos in his spare time right??
yea and picks tomatos in his spare time right??
Dennis Sobin Interview - creator of The Idiots Registry
Dennis Sobin Interview - creator of The Idiots Registry
Now this cracked me up, seriously? the Idiot Registries Intent is to embarrass those as much as the sex offender registry does to sex offenders..whats that a joke? In my case I consider it a badge of honor..Derek considers he is personally attacked each time his criminal history is profiled...funny..Its September 2014 obviously this little effort crashed and burned..
Now this cracked me up, seriously? the Idiot Registries Intent is to embarrass those as much as the sex offender registry does to sex offenders..whats that a joke? In my case I consider it a badge of honor..Derek considers he is personally attacked each time his criminal history is profiled...funny..Its September 2014 obviously this little effort crashed and burned..
Friday, September 12, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Lake Arthur sex offender accused of unlawful presence at park
Lake Arthur sex offender accused of unlawful presence at park
typical sex offender dumb as a rock ..
typical sex offender dumb as a rock ..
Friday, August 22, 2014
Two Accused of Adult Abuse, Sex Crimes in Chippewa County
Two Accused of Adult Abuse, Sex Crimes in Chippewa County
Ahh looks like Vicki Henry has a new member for her group
Ahh looks like Vicki Henry has a new member for her group
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
1985 Rape Case Solved With Victim's Help: BSO
1985 Rape Case Solved With Victim's Help: BSO
ahh look.. another sex offender linked by DNA to ANOTHER CRIME,
ahh look.. another sex offender linked by DNA to ANOTHER CRIME,
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
A real cause for concern - Williston Herald: News
A real cause for concern - Williston Herald: News
Guy needs to disappear, no fuss no muss, just disappear
Guy needs to disappear, no fuss no muss, just disappear
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Tip during CNN's 'The Hunt' led to suspect
Tip during CNN's 'The Hunt' led to suspect
And you guys thought I was the only one who felt this way???
And you guys thought I was the only one who felt this way???
Monday, July 14, 2014
ahh look Derek and his "words of wisdom" attempts to coach his minions
Derek Writes: You don't seem to understand the difference between a red herring and a talking point.( they should try not "cookin the books", if thats the goal) There are instances where we have to use examples to counter generalizations.(oh really? Yea I notice the "pissin on a tree works real well Derek) In this case, we use examples of people landing on the registry for petty actions as a counter to the generalization that all registrants are unstoppable and predatory in nature.(yea God forbid you should land on a forum and make any disclaimers against child rapist)
You should consider the fact that we have a far more difficult task to prove our points, and we don't prove them by shrinking away from challenges.(cute yea just keep denying who you are and what your crime was when the cats let out of the bag) The other side can make generalizations and rely on dubious stats or anecdotes.Umm Derek how dubious is the criminal conviction? Oh silly me Your all innocent) We have the burden of proof because of our status alone. It is our STATUS that gives us difficulties with credibility, not our message.( No numbnut its your conviction) We are dehumanized. No matter what we say, people assume what they want about us. We waste far too much time trying to cater to those people (even those of the reptilian persuasion) than we do sticking to our message.(rally your warriors Derek, Your message becomes toast when your CRIME is exposed)
If you understand anything about propaganda and persuasion, you should realize that consistency in our message and mission is key.(nice to hear you admit your message is propaganda and your persuation to minimize sex crimes are your goal) We have not been consistent because we waste time airing out our grievances with each other's philosophies in a public venue rather than a private forum. (does that mean YOUR minutemen are on unemployment)
In regards to our reptilian admirer, the upside is few people pay much attention to her, even other vigilantes. (its not the vigilanties you have to worry about Derek, its the bullshit you feed the public, and I am very GOOD at EXPOSING that bullshit)
However, the Internet has also changed the landscape of propaganda. Anyone, even an alcoholic reptile with a criminal record, can say anything online, and the victim then has to address the claim lest people assume it to be true. Most people are susceptible to believing anything they read on the internet.(you just now gettin that idiot? Thats why I exist)
Poor Derek is starting to see his kingdom crumble under dissent and loss of spirit, what he doesnt get and the others refuse to have the backbone to Tell him is HE is their biggest disavantage, He is the biggest detriment to their efforts on reform, what this level three angry predator refuses to acknowledge is when you have a POINT man like Derek and other ANGRY OFFENDERS attempting to play this pathetic armies General? YOUR ALREADY DOOMED.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
ahh the Daily strength crowd "Is valigator right"?
Where Valigator is rightPosted on 07/06/14, 07:50 pm I know what you are thinking, there is never under any scenario where Val is right. But I think she raises a good point that we as a movement need to take into consideration.
When we as the sex offender lobby state that there are many seemingly benign crimes that could land you on the registry we are not doing ourselves any favors. Yes, it is technically possible that crimes such as urinating in public, streaking, Romeo and Juliet statutory rape, making love in public etc, can land you on the registry. However, this is not the majority of the people on the registry. It is not a good idea to use these extreme examples to show why the registry is invalid. Valigator correctly in my opinion calls bull s*** on this, and I think she speaks for the average joe. If I did not have a background in this, I would say, well let's jus take those crimes off of the list of having to register, problem solved.
We should not try and sell this to the public, because they are not buying it. Even if a majority of people on the registry were on it for those types of crimes wouldn't it make more sense to fix the problem of having those crimes on the registry?
How many people on this forum have a loved one or are an offender because of urinating in public, romeo and Juliet statutory rape, streaking, making love in public? How many people on this forum are here for any of the above listed crimes? Just from casual observance of the posts, it seems like a majority of the people on this forum are here because of CP.?
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Sex offender jailed after trying to solicit teenage girl on Facebook
Sex offender jailed after trying to solicit teenage girl on Facebook: A convicted sex offender spent most of the weekend in jail after being accused of trying to solicit a teenage girl on Facebook.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Sex offender suspected of kidnapping child from Seattle park
Sex offender suspected of kidnapping child from Seattle park
Thats why you dont allow Level three's to walk the streets..
Thats why you dont allow Level three's to walk the streets..
Friday, June 6, 2014
Saturday, May 31, 2014
SOSEN of Florida "cookin the books" again
The not so popular or compelling website "SOSEN" loves to manipulate (as do all the other pro-offender sites) studies and make half truths out of any and everything concerning sex offenders. I accidently ran across SOSEN of Florida's blog and boy oh boy do they love to make the "sky fall". I could write an entire blog of the bullshit this group is trying to pass off, but why bother? The site doesnt seem to get much traffic or interest..suffice it to say there is a valid reason the "noose" is tightened around offenders necks in Florida and all the crap these groups can conjure up and distort isnt going to change that.
Hueytown parent recognizes umpire at childs softball game as a - ABC 33/40 - Birmingham News, Weather, Sports
Hueytown parent recognizes umpire at childs softball game as a - ABC 33/40 - Birmingham News, Weather, Sports
Another not so bright sex offender..
Another not so bright sex offender..
Monday, May 26, 2014
Sex, Lies, and Sex Offenders - Part 2 - Sadistic vs Non-Sadistic Offende...
these are the guys pro sex offender groups say "dont exist"???
and another "mother of the Year"?
Nwelsh218 writes:
We haven't known each other very long. 2-3 months. No he hasn't had any grooming with my children, but hes not been around my children but 3 times. As far as "reoffending" he maintains his innocence. He was put away for ten years and has only been out for 1 1/2 years, He is going back for at least 20 months for failure to register an address. He hasn't had any other violations. The thing that bothers me the most are the lies. He lied about his name at first. I had to find out his convicted sex offender history on my own. He said it was a woman he knew who accused him of raping her, but then upon further research I discovered it was a child. He finally told the truth about what happened, but I don't know how to trust and believe someone who lied from the beginning.
I love the guy. I really do. But I know in my family and circle of friends it wont be accepted. My best friend married a man who her best friend told her he raped her, she didn't believe her friend and now she finds out this ex husband, her oldest sons father, had molested her daughter for years. she didn't believe her friend she believed her husband.
I am very torn. since hes going away for at least twenty months I have time to figure it out. I truly love him. I feel myself distancing myself though. My main priority is to protect my children. I don't think he is a bad man. But I cant wrap my head around the lies. Why not tell the truth from the beginning? He was afraid he would lose me. I feel like all the stuff he says could be a ploy to get into my life and be around my children when he gets out. But I don't want to think that way because I care about him and what if hes the real deal? What if he is the REAL DEAL??really??
I was hoping I could get advice from this support group as I don't have a lot of people who I can talk to. "Cant wait to hear the responses on this one"
Sunday, May 25, 2014
This is more than disturbing
Abrown83 posted in Families of sex offenders"
Any other significant others dealt with something like this?Posted on 05/19/14, 12:23 pm
"My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 months. He was placed on the SO list 8 years ago and he was very upfront about everything even before we started dating. He was involved in a sting operation and ended up with probation that ended last year. He lived almost all of his 20's hidden away from the world and I love love love being able to share so many things with him that he missed out on. We got season tickets for NHL and season passes to the zoo for us and my 3 kids. He lost a baby to a miscarriage prior to his conviction and grew up in an alcoholic/abusive home so I feel like I am giving him the family life that he never had the chance to experience. I love him and trust him 100%."
3 MONTHS together and LOVES and TRUST him 100%?? She goes on to write:
"Last night I had a horrible dream that involved him being inappropriate towards my 6 mth old son that he is very close to (my son's dad has never met him and is not at all a part of his life, so my boyfriend has been like a father to him.) I have never consciously thought that my boyfriend would do anything to my children. I know that a dream is just a dream but I can't help but think that there had to have been some reason for that to have happened in my subconscious. Any advice on how to put this out of my mind so I don't allow it to affect me enough for him to notice?
Short of refusing to "go with her gut" Someone who gives a damn about this idiot broad or her(3 kids) and no fathers ought to call child and family services and or recommend she buy a puppy rather than bring in a sex offender so she can show him All the things he missed?? Of course none of the other broads thought of any of this??Rather they recommended to be "open and honest" with him and eventually will LEARN to trust him?? Are you fucking kidding?? Yea allow this broad to "learn to trust" while using her kids as Bait.. gotta shake your head..
"this coming from a collection of deviants??
This website "families of Sex offenders" really need their own reality show. Here is the latest from people who spend their days demonizing the sex offender registry.
"How many more lives do we need to lose from drunk driving before we have a registry?
What if it saves one child, isn't it worth it?
We deserve to know the people who negligently ruin the lives of so many every year.
Drunk drivers have no rights, they lost them the minute they got behind the wheel drunk.
We aren't punishing drunk drivers, we are just doing it for administrative purposes".
From the excuses I read from this motley crew most would make it on TWO registries
Seems "lifegonewrong" (what an under statement) wrote:
why cant we look at the Megans Web Site?Posted on 05/23/14, 07:16 pm
It seems if this Site is too protect kids why am I band from it. I am not allowed to protect mine kid because of MY sex crime. My kids and grandkids dont have the same rights? (his spelling not mine)
Ahh the irony of it all. Spend my days defending the registry and "lifegonewrong" answers it for me..gotta smile.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Sex offender ordinance passed | | South Portland Sentry
Sex offender ordinance passed | | South Portland Sentry
Noose is getting tighter..
Noose is getting tighter..
Once Fallen: L'Oreal provides the makeup to hide the monster Lauren Book has become
Once Fallen: L'Oreal provides the makeup to hide the monster Lauren Book has become
Now Derek is in the business of calling "Victims" monsters?? Doesnt surprise me a bit.
Now Derek is in the business of calling "Victims" monsters?? Doesnt surprise me a bit.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
International Megan's Law passed by U.S. House of Representatives
International Megan's Law passed by U.S. House of Representatives
Always a good day when the Noose tightens around these pervs necks..
Always a good day when the Noose tightens around these pervs necks..
Another Registrant Killed in Florida | Florida Action Committee
Another Registrant Killed in Florida | Florida Action Committee
My heart really bleeds for this one.. of course the other side of the coin that "Gail Colletta" leaves out is:
Norman Bill Williams Prior Prison History:
02/12/1985 GRAND THEFT MOTOR VEHICLE 08/23/1985 BAY 2YR 6M
12/08/1980 GRAND THEFT,$300 LESS &20,000 09/12/1985 FRANKLIN 1YR 6M
04/30/1987 ESCAPE 07/28/1987 FRANKLIN 8700065 4YR 9M
10/24/1988 AGG ASSLT-W/WPN NO INTENT TO K 03/13/1989 FRANKLIN 7YR 0M
12/24/1995 COCAINE – POSSESSION 04/19/1996 ST. LUCIE 9503175 3YR 6M
01/01/1994 SEX BATT VIC UNDER 12 FAM LIFE 10/10/2006 FRANKLIN 7YR 0M
My heart really bleeds for this one.. of course the other side of the coin that "Gail Colletta" leaves out is:
- Date In-Custody Date Out-of-Custody
- 09/17/1985… 06/23/1986
- 10/16/1987… 09/22/1988
- 03/14/1989… 09/07/1993
- 05/03/1996… 03/19/1999
- 10/19/2006… 04/01/2010
- 06/21/2010….09/24/2011
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
ahh lookie, another WAR (womenagainstregistry) member!!!!
Fayette County man arrested following multiple allegations of se - Beckley, Bluefield & Lewisburg News, Weather, Sports
Fayette County man arrested following multiple allegations of se - Beckley, Bluefield & Lewisburg News, Weather, Sports
The freaks have been busy this week..
The freaks have been busy this week..
Registered sex offender threatens to kill self after being ordered to move
Registered sex offender threatens to kill self after being ordered to move
ahh yes another attempt to groom the public.. go ahead " off yourself" thats the beauty about sex offenders, they alert the local news when contiplating suicide?? this freak will outlive all of us, if someone in Florida doesnt do it first.. heres an idea??? Make it look like suicide and we will be down on more offender, works for me..
ahh yes another attempt to groom the public.. go ahead " off yourself" thats the beauty about sex offenders, they alert the local news when contiplating suicide?? this freak will outlive all of us, if someone in Florida doesnt do it first.. heres an idea??? Make it look like suicide and we will be down on more offender, works for me..
Man Accused of Raping Five-Year-Old is Level Three Sex Offender - - Tulsa, Oklahoma - News, Weather & Sports
Man Accused of Raping Five-Year-Old is Level Three Sex Offender - - Tulsa, Oklahoma - News, Weather & Sports
A Level 3? umm Derek aka "fallenone" Logue, isnt that YOUR threat level?
A Level 3? umm Derek aka "fallenone" Logue, isnt that YOUR threat level?
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Police uncover huge collection of child pornography
Police uncover huge collection of child pornography
Oh another low-level repeat offender who should just be left alone to go about his life?? Yea right.
Oh another low-level repeat offender who should just be left alone to go about his life?? Yea right.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Neighbors Warn Of Sex Offender Accused Of Photographing Child « CBS Miami
Neighbors Warn Of Sex Offender Accused Of Photographing Child « CBS Miami
A good day to protest in front of this Perv's apartment
A good day to protest in front of this Perv's apartment
Friday, May 16, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
I was reminded this am of how some people especially in the pro sex offender arena can behave like a "shoal of sardines" who ball together on instinct regardless of what or where the sharks are in the water.
Seems smbr7996 (prison groupie) married a rapist with multiple charges of sexual assaults by the name of Philip McCarty. Looks like Mr. McCarty was released and rather than focusing on the straight and narrow and his unusually hefty new bride, he decided the thrill of another forced sexual assault would rock his world. Now the state of Texas has determined if it walks like a duck, its a quackin and Mr. McCarty needs to be "civilly committed" due to the very real determination by multiple voodoo doctors that his sexual instincts are still very much bipedal in his particular stage of human evolution.
SO smbr7996 found herself a free "sign my petition" website and asked all the other sardines at "families of Sex offenders" to sign the "half truthful" description of his circumstances in a plea for her "husbands release". Of course they all "responded in a syncrinized fashion obliging this dimwit by adding their John Does.
What none took the time to do was actually research Mr. McCarty to determine he is indeed a "bug that should be kept under glass". Various doctors have described Mr. McCarty as and I quote:
The experts’ testimony regarding the evidence surrounding the three attempted-sexual-assault convictions was sufficient to support a finding that McCarty was a sexually violent predator.The record reveals that McCarty pleaded guilty to and was convicted of three offenses of attempted sexual assault, and he acknowledged during his trial testimony that he committed those offenses. Both experts testified to McCarty’s risk factors for reoffending with a sexually violent offense: escalation of behavior that becomes increasingly deviant, violent, or abnormal; pattern of sexually deviant behavior from age twelve through adulthood; history of antisocial behavior and difficulty controlling his impulses; history of difficulty following rules and laws; reoffending with a sexually violent offense after completion of the sentences for the first two offenses; failure to recognize a need for sex offender treatment; minimization and rationalization of his offenses; drug abuse history; and an unstable relationship history.The jury determines the credibility of the witnesses, weighs the testimony and the other evidence, resolves any conflicts in the evidence, and draws reasonable inferences from basic facts to "ultimate facts". And these broads Say,"I Have problems"?? Funny.
Monday, April 21, 2014
"Joe Smith" Florida transitions drop out.
I just hate being right ALL the TIME. Ran into old Joe on some forum about sex offenders. Jow being the cocky unrepentent, hostile, take to the bank a recidivist had been residing at Florida Transitions in "FLORIDA"S attempt to make him re-integrate and mainstream back into society. Seems this was not a fruitful effort. But I digress. Offenders being notoriously stupid and Joe Smith being a poster child for that stupidity, made mention of his "residency" there and I being "observant" made a mental note of that some time ago. Now I assumed he was still residing there and put a quick e-mail to Florida Transitions "wondering" how Mr. Smith could spend his days on tax exempt, state funded computers all day promoting RSOL aka NAMBLA propaganda? Seemed a reasonable request? Well the response I got was in minoseconds from the "Handlers" at FT's. and I quote"
Dear Ms. Parkhurst,
I thank you for your concern. I believe the individual your possibly referring to may actually be a person named Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith was terminated from this program over two years ago, and is not allowed in this community for many reasons. We are extremely diligent and have had many successes transitioning offenders, unfortunately Mr. Smith was not one of them.
We have since bantered once or twice and its unanimous, Mr. Smith needs a "come to Jesus Moment"..I think I will give him one.
But this does open a door, when the Joe Smiths of the world crash and burn in the step down programs, what happens???
Sunday, April 20, 2014
No Big surprise, the offender is always the Victim (choke)
duppydoozy wrote on Familes of sex offenders that the guy she is banging (and a convicted sex offender) is being slandered by HIS Ex. she writes:
. but now I see she started a Facebook group for my local area where she is posting registrations info for my local area and she is posting registration information daily. she has has no boundaries and is dangerous and capable of really doing damage, she is very vengeful..she is capable of putting an innocent person in jail, and she even has her daughter who is the supposed to victim on this fb group. what rights do family members have? especially if there is slander?
Umm Slander duppydoozy? Registration info isnt slander its fact. Whats more disturbing is she infers the Victim wasnt a victim at all she and her pillow perv partner are? "she has no boundaries"?? One must ponder what duppydesperate considers "boundaries"and or Dangerous"? Sounds like the ex was attempting to "Warn" this new girlfriend about the propensity of this freak to prey on children, but duppydoozy takes offense to that warning and of course all the other "less than mother of the year" members seem to agree with her?? The bottom line is the Mother of the victim is now the enemy,a Sadist,a sociopath or a psychopath whereas the other syfunctional members go on to feed duppydesperate the webster defined definitions of the aforementioned descriptions. As I have maintained for years, these groups and their members have wallowed in shit for so long they cant even smell it anymore.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Now isnt this Interesting
I am always amused by RSOL (anystate) WAR (womenagainstregistry) and a few others who "go out of their way to distance themselves from Nambla" but when slumming on Nambla's website "Boychat" and reading the comments from the resident pervs it is downright amazing how they let the cat out of the bag when they think no one is looking. Reminds me of Kimberly Dubina who in one fell swoop and in her normal mode of ignorance made public RSOL's alignment with Nambla in her tear-jerking prose of Tom Reeve's passing, but I digress, obviously Nambla has their own version of Kim Dubina (Shrink Wrap) and here is what he said. Quote From Nambla website (BOYCHAT) As explained in an earlier post about B4U-ACT,(pedophile group) progress will come in small steps. B4U-ACT is working on getting improved mental health services for MAPs(minor attracted people) who want them. That is important. Here “we” have ""RSOL""" doing their part by working to modify the inhuman, unconstitutional, and counterproductive registration laws. If they can get rid of registration laws, that will do more good for pedophiles than almost anything to date. Posted by Shrink Wrap (pedophile) on 2012-September-12 11:04:24, Wednesday Love the Term "minor attracted person's, now there is the definition of making a "mink coat out of rats back if I heard it" One must keep in mind that SOSEN's Randy English on Jan.2013 wrote "2012 saw the uniting of SOSEN, RSOL and WAR(womenagainstregistry) to form a more united front in the fight. This was an important step towards becoming a force for change". I think they mean the "fight to make sex with kids mainstream"Some days are just Gifts from the Gods when your literally handed MORE proof of what you already know.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Utah sex offender Nathan Rabalaise bragging about Being back on facebook
Nathan is escalating. I have watched him for a couple of years and while most wouldnt Observe the signs, he is dripping in RED FLAGS. Oh he is your typical retalitory sex offender who figures the world has wronged him (textbook)..and One never did have to look too hard
though to see his rampant stupidity, thats a gimmie and always has been pretty apparent. His twitter account, his never ending moaning about his "dating sites" all pretty standard for offenders trying to "buck the system" but this month you can SMELL the stench of Nathan approaching his witching hour of re-offending. His hostility is now approaching the angry, unrepentent I want a pound of flesh stage by re-opening a Facebook page under the guise of communicating with "friends and family". Umm wonder if those friends and family who are communicating with him know that Facebook doesnt appreciate pervs using their site and have made no bones about it? Of course not, that would be expecting too much. It is also too much to expect other offenders and their families to give a word of warning due to the fact they ALL buck the system if it makes communicating with each other more "convienant".Not to mention they feel entitled to have a restricted facebook page (wait for it) because kids under 18 have one and lie about their age?? Duh you idiots. Kids and pervs dont go together!!! But I digress, Perhaps the state of Utah should take a bat to Nathan's knees and reaquaint him with the idea that being compliant with the terms and policies of social media sites doesnt hinge on his whims. Guys like Nathan need a violation to remind him what "keeping your head down and walking the straight and narrow actually means".

Monday, April 14, 2014
Now this cracked me up
oncefallen aka Derek Logue out of Hamilton County Ohio Level 3 predator wrote on Daily strength (families of sex offenders)
I always tell people I meet relatively early. I want them to get to know me before my label, but at the same time, I don't want to get someone too attached to me and feel like I misled them or manipulated them somehow, so I try to let them know before that person falls for me. Thats hysterical
I'd say most of the time I've had success. On a couple of occasions, I had a woman freak out about it. But on the upside at least it wasn't before we got close.
I also try my best not to date women with kids (sometimes they don't let me know up front they have kids, I guess since many men don't want to date a woman with kids, can't say i blame them considering our stranger danger climate). He tries to date women without kids??? Umm wonder how hard that has to be for a pedophile
I will say this much-- online dating is far worse than meeting a woman in real life, because it is just like an online job interview, and it seems the women are pickier.Umm wonder if his profile says " i am a freak and a level 3 sexual predator, could be a mood killer??
Oh, my principle also applies to friendships as well. But if they are just acquaintances, like the people at my gym, I don't tell them squat. The gym?? Derek has never seen the inside of Gym, his definition of exercise is going to Kroger with coupons for Little Debbie Cakes and pies"
Friday, April 11, 2014
Boynton Beach man sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for chil
Boynton Beach man sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for chil
Wonder if Gail friends checked with their own children to inquire if Gail's son molested them? 68% of pervs like Colletta's son have Live victims. This isnt her deviant's son's first rodeo.
Wonder if Gail friends checked with their own children to inquire if Gail's son molested them? 68% of pervs like Colletta's son have Live victims. This isnt her deviant's son's first rodeo.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Do I tell my kids friends parents that my husband is a SO?
"""alwaysbyhisside" ask," My husband had to register this week and is not on probation. We have two girls ages 14 & 11 who live with us. I am wondering do we go and tell their friends parents that he is on the registry (his offense happened in 1990 when he was 18) ? My husband says that we just keep kids friends out of the house and have the girls do activities outside the home with friends; but a part if me wants to just get it out in the open and tell the parents that way if they search the site and find my husband on it they won't have any questions and won't assume that he is some kid of monster.
Any advice would help."
It's rather amazing that this woman actually had to ask this question. Since I am Banned from this site (families of sex offenders) I'll offer up my two cents here. If I was the parent of one of her children's friends and I was not made aware of his status? All hell would reign down. All too often I have read comments from this dysfunctional group that if the "neighbors were so concerned, they could find him on the registry" which in their screwed up minds alleviates them from all liability?? Of course on the other hand the registry in their screwed up minds "tells the world" of their status and should be abolished?? Typical, the registry is the "holy grail" when these misfits dont want to own up to their criminal convictions, buts its the "list from hell" on other days.
another gotta "shake your head moment"
Never seems to fail when one "slums" over to "Families of Sex Offenders" what new dysfunctional mindsets these "families actually have".
Lets take "Hurtingfamily" for an example. Her bitch of the day was having to go with her husband for a 3 hour drive to take a polygraph test @ 175.00. She added that he passed. But the bulk of her post and what seemed to really bother her was the fact she and her significant other were restricted from accessing PORN and I quote " anyways the guy told hub that some providers wont even allow you to have someone look up stuff . like normal stuff u know news and etc ,or even have a computer not meanign so meanign their loved one like wife or gf what ahve you the ohter person not on registry . . i told him well u tell them im not on probation and if my hub and i choose to look at sites together , where i do the looking and he just sits there and read stuff while i do the browseing whats the harm .. u know what i mena come off it .. to me if no body is lookign at bad stuff porn etc wahts the big old harm anyways"?? Whats the big old harm? Umm, well if one spends anytime on this pathetic site You would be hard-pressed to count all the comments Blaming PORN for their "tales of woe" along with scantily clad women, provocative TV shows and umm what else? Oh slutty dressed pre-teens. Yet "hurtingfamily" thinks since SHE isnt the one registered her "freedoms" have been compromised?? Its no secret extended family members can often be the "KEY" to successful re-integration for these convicts and often family members are told to be aware of "triggers" that may be detrimental to the offender. Hurtingfamily and hubby are living in rundown hotels pawning everything they own and hitting up Her family to stay afloat, but she is "pissed" she cant troll for porn? I dont give Hurtingfamily's hubby too much time on the outside.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Optimist in a cynical world | Lloydminster Meridian Booster
Optimist in a cynical world | Lloydminster Meridian Booster
I was looking for the silver lining also since reading about the disposition of this case. To date, havent found one. I agree with your commentary except you left one thing out. Its ok to go out of your way not to be cynical, its not ok for good human beings to not try and correct a wrong into a right. This judge's ruling is a wrong and in this day and age when so many of our children are being used as a sexual buffet, perhaps it would be wise for the public to never ever forget this unholy injustice and remind the "players" involved of it everyday.
I was looking for the silver lining also since reading about the disposition of this case. To date, havent found one. I agree with your commentary except you left one thing out. Its ok to go out of your way not to be cynical, its not ok for good human beings to not try and correct a wrong into a right. This judge's ruling is a wrong and in this day and age when so many of our children are being used as a sexual buffet, perhaps it would be wise for the public to never ever forget this unholy injustice and remind the "players" involved of it everyday.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Rick Scott signs sexual predator bills |
Rick Scott signs sexual predator bills |
Good!!!! its law and the pervs and their (girlfriends) have no excuse not to be aware of it.
Good!!!! its law and the pervs and their (girlfriends) have no excuse not to be aware of it.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Feds: Wallingford sex offender admits she produced child pornography
Feds: Wallingford sex offender admits she produced child pornography
I wonder? Must be a member of W.A.R. (womenagainstregistry)
I wonder? Must be a member of W.A.R. (womenagainstregistry)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Jessica Lunsford Act Passes State Assembly, Senate Budget Committee
Jessica Lunsford Act Passes State Assembly, Senate Budget Committee
Good. Obviously sex offenders are becoming more dangerous everyday. Sex offenders have left the legislators No Choice.
Good. Obviously sex offenders are becoming more dangerous everyday. Sex offenders have left the legislators No Choice.
Friday, March 28, 2014
This is for Coolrich001
Val is a person with little self worth. She has such a low opinion of herself that she needs to target and damn others. Vigilantes have said many negative things about me over the years. That is because they do not know me, only my plea. Besides, I do not want to know them. Evil people are not my social choice!
I dare Val to copy this on her blog!!
Social choice?? Don't worry Coolrich001, I doubt we will ever run in the same social circles---crack me up.
Gotta laugh and shake your head??
New member on the "families of sex offenders" frogpond1 has had a "come to Jesus moment" and has reached out for advice.
Seems his woe to me in a nutshell is "I messed up, I admit that, clear and simple, I thought she was of age and she wasn't. So now the avalanche of problems; It happened in RI and I live in CT so not sure how this plays into it. This Thursday I turn myself into RI on two counts 3rd degree sexual assault and two counts solicitation of a child. The latter charges are actually what terrify me the most as they carry a minimum 5 years each!"" UMMMMM
Frogpond1 goes on to say "My wonderful wife has stuck by me through all this and I can't thank her enough. I immediately sought counceling after the incidents and I have ZERO priors not so much as a traffic ticket. Of course everything gets tricky. My wife has JRA or juvenile rhumatoid arthritis and is permanently disabled and I am her primary care taker, no one else. Everyday tasks that everyone takes for granted I have to do. On top of that we own our own small business. I'm scared poopless about losing where we live, the business her not being able to care for herself, everything. Even if I some how beyond miracles just get probation I hear it's extremely restrictive so doing business stuff and being able to care for her...I just don't know at this depressed...""" Not so much as a traffic ticket, well that changes everything now doesnt it?
so the usual cast of characters chime in with the "FIND A GOOD CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. TODAY.DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE!!!!!
Now these comments are from women whose husbands have already thrown them under the bus in their quest for some extra curricular (underage activity) but I digress I am just left wondering, So NOW he is so concerned about his disabled wife? Frogpond1 deserves anything the courts throw at him for sheer stupidity. But now he will be a "victim" of the system and spend his days whining and crying what a raw deal he has gotten. If I wasnt "banned" from the forum, I would have just asked, (have you never heard of an escort service?) crack me up.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Antrim: Details in sex abuse case out | Ledger Transcript
Antrim: Details in sex abuse case out | Ledger Transcript
ahh now here is one the Pro offender broads should read and heed.
ahh now here is one the Pro offender broads should read and heed.
Monday, March 24, 2014
100 serial rapists identified after rape kits from Detroit Crime Lab are finally processed | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
100 serial rapists identified after rape kits from Detroit Crime Lab are finally processed | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
hundreds and hundreds of unprocessed rape kits sitting on shelves for years? I cant imagine what my first impulse would be to KNOW that a brutal crime (s) could have been prevented if some technician would have just gotten off their ass. Hense, my profile description of utter "frustration with the system that deals with these degenerates".
hundreds and hundreds of unprocessed rape kits sitting on shelves for years? I cant imagine what my first impulse would be to KNOW that a brutal crime (s) could have been prevented if some technician would have just gotten off their ass. Hense, my profile description of utter "frustration with the system that deals with these degenerates".
Saturday, March 22, 2014
A depraved world: FBI agents wage a stressful battle against child pornography
A depraved world: FBI agents wage a stressful battle against child pornography
Of course the Daily strength broads of "families of sex offenders" have a different take on Law Enforcement as Nakohichi didnt fail to explain : and I quote:
Of course the Daily strength broads of "families of sex offenders" have a different take on Law Enforcement as Nakohichi didnt fail to explain : and I quote:
"They say that pedos get jobs at day care centers and kid programs.. I say they join the FEDs and volunteer for these sex offender gigs."
NakoWhacko as I call her, has made up her mind her pathetic offspring is simply a statistic of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and the world has falsely conspired to demonize her son. She never fails to include that she can "afford" to buy her families way out of this, or has she has stated more than once, she infers the Department of Probation have developed a Fear and respect for her due to her extensive knowledge and attitude. Yea I'll bet they are just shaking when she appears. I'll offer up the opinion that NAKO whacko ought to get real humble around those who have the ability to tear her and HER SON's world inside out.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
South Okanagan Sex Offender Ronald Teneycke Arrested Again
Police arrest Houlton sex offender after search of his home allegedly yields child porn
Police arrest Houlton sex offender after search of his home allegedly yields child porn
The public should set google alerts for this guy and follow up him thru the "system" and watch the turnstiling and "plea greements" the state settles for. Then use him as the poster child for all things sex offender. Face it, at his age there is NO Fixin this kind of broke. Put a needle in his arm and be done with him.
The public should set google alerts for this guy and follow up him thru the "system" and watch the turnstiling and "plea greements" the state settles for. Then use him as the poster child for all things sex offender. Face it, at his age there is NO Fixin this kind of broke. Put a needle in his arm and be done with him.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Now this cracked me up, Shaun reminded me of the old saying once bit, twice shy. Poor Derek he was hoping to see Shaun publically retaliate but we all know Shaun has learned his lesson..
My first thought was "what do you get when you put three Pedophiles together? The Tom Madison show..
Uxbridge Sex offender, lottery winner arrested on new charges
Uxbridge Sex offender, lottery winner arrested on new charges
Now here is the poster child for all things sex offender.. and why they are so dangerous.
Now here is the poster child for all things sex offender.. and why they are so dangerous.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Hubby lost his job
faeryedark aka Camille Ney is ranting husband lost his job
Yep! I'm so pissed right now, I could scream! (and I have) Somebody (probably my in-laws) called and reported that my husband is a sex offender to his work. They let him go because he didn't disclose it on his application. Ummm they didn't ask..they asked about felonies. he doesn't have a felony and they didn't ask about sex offenses at all!
I guess we'll try for unemployment Umm Camille maybe you shouldnt piss so many people off around the web they have this over-riding compulsion to turn your world upside down"just a thought" smiling..
A Quick check with the Daily strength broads (families of sex offenders)
ahh this crew never fails to disappoint. Umm what do we have today?
Under the topic "Compliance" Gives an outsider looking in a bird's eye view of how our tax dollars are being utilized. Guess the Phillip Garrido example is a faded memory for certain probation officers,
Nackachichi (whatever) puts her two cents in with the question of "being honest" on job apps "
As far as honest and upfront on job apps.. I don't know about that one. This country forces us "Not to be honest" just so we can survive.umm
Coastie puts in his two cents with "Most companies really only care about drug and theft convictions.(obviously working around kids is a different story).n I am registered, but also have a security clearance.(I work in the defense and aerospace industry). (Now thats scarey) considering how he feels and reading his defiant rants about being registered, perhaps His security clearance should be looked at again.
Here is a personal favorite: KLW653 writes: My son's PO makes monthly visits but he "never comes in". Sometimes he doesn't even get out of his car. as far as the police, they come by about twice a yr, once in the spring and again in the fall. Now isnt that comforting??
Duppydoozy or whatever, certainly not mother or grandmother of the year writes:
also, he has been putting off registering at my residence. and has yet to report new job. Im sure he has not yet reported the job because he's afraid they'll contact the employer and he'll loose the job. He doesn't want to deal with the humiliation of going through the card notifications again as he just did a couple months ago when he had to move to his current (registered) address. He doesnt want to DEAL with it?? But here is the icing on the cake "now this child support bullshit has started, and his ex is running his registry info all over the web, talking a bunch of sh*t... It makes me so sick and furious. How could someone who loves and want the best for their children post that crap all over the internet where their child who supposedly was a victim of him has to see it?!?!?! Ummm what a dilemna, her son sexually feeds off the kid and no one will step up to the plate to make sure its fed? While "grandma" considers the DIL a bitch for seeking support??? ..ahh the trials and tribulations of the Perv families..should be a reality show.
Convicted sex offender accused of putting medication into child's food
Convicted sex offender accused of putting medication into child's food
Most people think this is a rare occurance. It is not. Offenders want compliant victims and a disabling medication does just the trick for these freaks. There is no fixin this kind of broke. He is already a Convicted Offender and like 99% of sex offenders cant help but stick their hand in the fire and then blame the fire for getting burned. Put a needle in his arm and be done with this worthless example of DNA. If this guy ends up Back out on the street, the next victim he will KILL, take it to the bank.
Most people think this is a rare occurance. It is not. Offenders want compliant victims and a disabling medication does just the trick for these freaks. There is no fixin this kind of broke. He is already a Convicted Offender and like 99% of sex offenders cant help but stick their hand in the fire and then blame the fire for getting burned. Put a needle in his arm and be done with this worthless example of DNA. If this guy ends up Back out on the street, the next victim he will KILL, take it to the bank.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Are We Being Smart About Sex Offenders?
Are We Being Smart About Sex Offenders?
I think if I hear the term "Empirical Evidence" one more time I'll throw up in the lap of those who say it.
I think if I hear the term "Empirical Evidence" one more time I'll throw up in the lap of those who say it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
ahh look at the new Choreographed project by Shana Rowan..falls more than short once the court records are revealed and the truth is known. Umm wonder what stunt she will pull next? Putting "victims" information all over the web..Oh thats right, silly me she already has done that.
Colorado triple homicide: Family friend arrested
Colorado triple homicide: Family friend arrested
and of course, its a SEX Offender..typical..
The Denver Post reported that Vanwinkle was sentenced in 2004 to four years in prison in Indiana for child molestation and vicarious sexual gratification. He received a two-year term in 2007 in Indiana for child molestation and, in 2012, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic violence in Fremont County, Colorado, where Canon City is located, the newspaper said.
and of course, its a SEX Offender..typical..
The Denver Post reported that Vanwinkle was sentenced in 2004 to four years in prison in Indiana for child molestation and vicarious sexual gratification. He received a two-year term in 2007 in Indiana for child molestation and, in 2012, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic violence in Fremont County, Colorado, where Canon City is located, the newspaper said.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
How Gail Colletta is looking to "cook the books" on recidivism with the help of Suzonne Kline.
Now this "radio show" was a hoot. Gail was desperately grasping at straws to be able to propagandize Low recidivism rates and Doctor (choke) Kline suggested Gail's members "dumb-down" rates for the public but be very careful with the Legislature due to credibility factors. Since I have established a "friendly" relationship with certain legislators I thought it prudent to forward this to them along with their opinions to Florida's lobbyist, Ron Book. Mr. Book doesnt take kindly to derogatory comments made about him on these "recordings" and if anyone doubts it, they can dig up Mary Duvals worthless bones and ask her. Ahh but I digress.
Gail's Best friend Derek Logue was chomping at the bit but it seems his comments were not relevent to the topic at hand and he was quietly dismissed after his introduction but like the dutiful son stayed on while I envisioned him spilling food all over his keyboard.(that boy is on his way to becoming a star on "my 600LB Life)
Bottom line members were told NOT to use the 5% recidivism rate due to the fact it was bullshit (as I have been saying for years) and it just is too easy to get "caught" finding out its bullshit. One could actually hear Gail "deflating" on the audio that "offenders" arent the choir boys she wants the world to believe. Then they all scrambled like cockroaches when the lites turned on to make sure NO ONE includes "Dynamic mitigating Risk factors" then the numbers jump exponentially for recidivism..and lets face it, I havent run across an offender yet who doesnt have mitigating risk?? (excuses)
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Registered sex offender charged with molesting boy - Winston-Salem Journal: Crime
Registered sex offender charged with molesting boy - Winston-Salem Journal: Crime
The public must lesson the "opportunities" these freaks gain by accessing their registry. It wont Prevent all the crimes against our children but an" informed public" is a safer public. Never EVER believe an offenders version of their conviction, they lie, they all lie and swear "the girl lied about her age" its textbook. Never take an offender's word or their families word for the circumstances of their conviction.
The public must lesson the "opportunities" these freaks gain by accessing their registry. It wont Prevent all the crimes against our children but an" informed public" is a safer public. Never EVER believe an offenders version of their conviction, they lie, they all lie and swear "the girl lied about her age" its textbook. Never take an offender's word or their families word for the circumstances of their conviction.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Our PERV of the week quote
Larry Quintero >Larry Quintero • no wonder your so angry at the world. And don't say your not angry at the world; because you are. All victims are angry at the world and usually have diminished social abilities and under developed intellects. It's my understanding Florida is the undisputed leader in all things "sex"; which is a good thing for you, because there's help available for you. I suggest you seek out some help.
Now go away and let us continue our takeover of the world.
Larry Anthony Quintero
Last known address:
49791 Senilis Ave
Morongo Valley CA 92256
Gender: M
Age: 56
DOB: 1956-02-28
Height: 6 ft. 0 in.
Weight: 200
Race/Ethnicity: White
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
TALLAHASSEE: Senate passes tougher sexual predator bills - Legislature -
TALLAHASSEE: Senate passes tougher sexual predator bills - Legislature -
Its done ..scorched earth policy for "degenerates" is offically Law. Now all we need is a "hunting season for them..
Its done ..scorched earth policy for "degenerates" is offically Law. Now all we need is a "hunting season for them..
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
So nice to follow Gail Colletta's links
Have to laugh really, How she does my legwork for me..with her "call to action" post.
Pleading with her "followers" to contact their representatives on house bill "such and such".. Of course I respond immediately at her request with introducing exactly WHO Florida Action Committee is and pretty explicit backgrounds of "who" the players are with their respective "flyers and newspaper articles" accompanying my "call to action" Seems Our legislators are very grateful for that information and never fail to "respond" with just the legislation I am always looking for.
Remind me to thank Gail someday for those "easy links" she provides..cracks me up..oh and I need to thank Dave in the Philippines also, he seems to like to linger on my site also. His timely notifications of "calls to action" is really quite helful..He is such a putz.
Leon County Sex Offender KAGS TV - College Station, Texas
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
ahh look another entire country has come to the conclusion sex offenders can't play nice so the public is entitled to KNOW WHO and WHERE these freaks live..
Guess that "shoots the shit out" of abolishing any registries anytime soon..
Just re-enforces that sex offenders are boils on the butt of humanity and regardless of whether they are publically acknowledged or NOT..they just cant keep their zippers up.
Child pornography not a "hand's off crime"
The effects of pornography on users have been extensively researched but results are contentious. There are at least five possible relationships between pornography use and the sexual abuse of children:
•Pornography use is an expression of existing sexual interests. An individual who sexually abuses children seeks out child pornography as part of his/her pattern of sexual gratification.[35] The offender’s sexual interests cause his/her pornography use rather than the other way around.
•Pornography is used to prime the individual to offend. An individual deliberately views child pornography immediately prior to offending. Pornography is used in the short term to sexually stimulate the offender in preparation for offending.[36]
•Pornography has a corrosive effect. An individual becomes increasingly interested in child pornography, is attracted to images of increasing severity, and becomes desensitized to the harm victims experience. Use of pornography in the long term may also increase the risk that the person will sexually abuse a child.[37]
•Pornography has a cathartic effect. Viewing child pornography is the sole outlet for an individual’s sexual attraction to children. Pornography use may substitute for, or even help the individual resist, engaging in hands-on offending.[38]
•Pornography is a by-product of pedophilia. Pornography is created in the process of carrying out sexual abuse or is used to groom potential victims and prepare them for abuse.[39] Pornography is incidental to the abuse suffered by the victim.
May his soul rot in hell
Date of scheduled execution State Victim name Inmate name Status
March 19, 2014 Oklahoma Adriana Waller, 1 Charles Warner pending
In August of 1997, Shonda Waller and her eleven month-old daughter, Adriana Waller, lived in Oklahoma City with Charles Frederick Warner and his three children, aged 7, 5 and 2. At about 7:30 am on August 22, Warner left the house to go pay a traffic ticket. When Shonda woke up at 8:00 am, she stayed in bed and played with Adriana for a while. Adriana was her normal, playful self and did not seem to be experiencing any type of discomfort. When Shonda changed Adriana's diaper that morning, she did not notice anything wrong with Adriana. After Shonda got up, she made sandwiches for the kids and for Warner when he came home. Shonda and Warner had planned to go grocery shopping with all of the children that morning but Warner suggested that she go by herself and leave the children with him at the house. Shonda left to go shopping around noon. She arrived back at the house with the groceries at around 2:30 pm. She looked in on Adriana and saw her laying on the bed. A short time later Shonda told Warner that she wanted to go pay to have the telephone connected. When Warner went to get Adriana, he brought her out of the bedroom and said that she wasn't breathing. Shonda grabbed Adriana and asked Warner to drive them to the hospital. On the way to the hospital Shonda performed CPR on her daughter. When Shonda carried Adriana into the emergency room of Mercy Health Center in Oklahoma City, Adriana appeared lifeless. Resuscitation efforts by medical personnel failed and she was pronounced dead approximately forty minutes later. Emergency room nurses proceeded to clean the baby. When nurse Robin Jones was changing Adriana's diaper, she noticed bright red blood around the child's anus and tears in the child's rectum. The injury appeared recent as there were no scabs or signs of healing. At this point post-mortem care stopped and the police were called. From the autopsy, the forensic pathologist opined that head and abdominal injuries had caused the child's death. She testified that the injuries were probably inflicted upon the child within an hour of her death, although they could have been inflicted up to three hours before she died. The police interviewed Warner late in the day on August 22 and into the early morning on August 23. Warner was subsequently arrested, charged and convicted of the first degree murder and first degree rape of 1-year-old Adriana Waller. In addition to the death sentence, the jury assessed punishment at nine hundred ninety-nine years imprisonment on the rape conviction. Warner’s original conviction in 1999 was overturned by the appeals court after it found the trial judge erred by seating a juror who said he had “a strong bias towards the death penalty.” Warner was again convicted and sentenced to death in 2003. During the retrial, Warner's 12-year-old son testified that he saw his father shake Adriana on the day she died. "My dad didn't get along with Adriana," said the boy, who lives in California with his mother and siblings. "She would cry, make a lot of noise." He also said the day the infant died wasn't the first time he had seen his father shaking the infant. After the baby was shaken, the boy said, he stayed most of the afternoon in his sister's bedroom. "I think he was angry so that's why I stayed in my sister's room," the boy said.
(Maybe anonymous can write him a little letter before his send off telling him what a raw deal he is getting)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Bill Proposed To Thwart OK Sex Offenders From Changing Name - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Bill Proposed To Thwart OK Sex Offenders From Changing Name - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Good ,they are all devious enough to do it.
Good ,they are all devious enough to do it.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Not good news.
Well its 2014 people, and its worse than we thought. Recidivism rates are still skewed depending on the criteria used in the study, But seem to be creeping up to some very disturbing rates. We are still unanimous that these crimes are grossly under-reported and more children than ever are being used for a sexual buffet.. Treatment is still in the stone age and have so many variables that we still havent found one other than "containment" that works for any long term gain. "Opportunity" is still the buzz word and catalyst for assault, but we still have voodoo doctors telling us "reintegration" back into society is helpful when the true stats are telling us those who have stable homes, support and roofs over their heads are "repeating" their crimes and outpacing those who live under a bridge. Seems we have expanded our definition of pedophiles to include more "situational" offenders than ever. Also it seems 68% of those "non-contact child porn addicts" arent so non-contact after all. They have a live child victim under their belt and depending on the AMOUNT of Child porn they injest is directly proportionate to HOW many LIVE victims they have. Seems the "women" who choose to defend and stay with these offenders have some very disturbing backgrounds as well and contrary to their self appointed "martyr status" without all inclusive VERY EXPENSIVE, LONG TERM "Family counseling"(which most families can not afford) the offender has a poorer prognosis of success with these women and are considered still at a very high risk of relapsing with the "golden hour" being between the 5th and 7th year after their release. The icing on the cake? Sex offenders seem to be the only classificattion of criminal who poses a higher risk of re-offending the longer out from their original conviction. "Doesnt that just make your Day"??
Monday, February 24, 2014
More (characteristics) and its scarey.
It is very apparent from this and other studies that index offense and prior sexual offenses are very poor indicators of the diversity and extent of actual deviant sexual behavior (Weinrott & Saylor, 1991). This is an understood truism for the category of extrafamilial child molester, as it is almost assumed that these offenders have additional victims. However, for incestuous offenders some people in corrections/offender management find this same result surprising or unlikely. Indeed, more than half of our sample with an incestuous index offense admitted to also having non-incestuous victims.
Being an incest offender makes one much more likely to be assessed as low-risk to recidivate based on the existing actuarial risk assessment instruments. In some regions (e.g., Canada), the case management decisions following from this are based on the premise that risk and treatment needs are directly related. That is, that an incest offender who is deemed “low risk” is also deemed “low needs” in terms of treatment. Unfortunately, an offender’s need or suitability for treatment is hardly related to their status as an intra or extrafamilial offender. Indeed, it could be argued that an incest offender who maintains a relationship with his family would be in greater need for comprehensive treatment so as to perpetuate the least amount of future harm to an already flawed family system.
Characteristics of Sexual Offenders
Characteristics of sex offenders
*Adult child abusers have 10 times more victims than offenders who rape adults. *Child abusers have an average of 76 victims; a rapist has an average of seven.
In any gathering of 100 women, 4-5 have been sexually abused by a father figure.
*A child molester appears to engage in sexual activity that is driven by anger and hostility. To the child molester, the victim is more an object or a symbol to the offender rather than a person. Rather than committing repeated assaults against the same victim, the child molester attacks “different victims in successive offenses”.
*Approximately 50% of adult sex offenders report their sexually deviant behavior began in adolescence.
*Mothers of adolescent incest perpetrators were significantly more likely to have been sexually victimized as children than were other mothers.
*Adolescent offenders seem to show all of the same variations of sexually abusive behaviors, as do older offenders.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
2 Slidell men in custody for separate sex crimes involving 13-ye - FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports
2 Slidell men in custody for separate sex crimes involving 13-ye - FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports
Two Slidell men are in custody for multiple sex crimes, and both cases involved 13-year-old victims.
Slidell police say sexual predators are more and more often using social media to track their victims. What?ou freaks have coupons for offending in the month of Feb.???
Two Slidell men are in custody for multiple sex crimes, and both cases involved 13-year-old victims.
Slidell police say sexual predators are more and more often using social media to track their victims. What?ou freaks have coupons for offending in the month of Feb.???
HSI arrests San Sebastian musician for transporting a minor to local motels
HSI arrests San Sebastian musician for transporting a minor to local motels
seems the cockroaches sexual deviants) have been busy this week and this is just ICE's website.
seems the cockroaches sexual deviants) have been busy this week and this is just ICE's website.
Registered sex offender arrested for rape of 13-year-old girl - Daily Journal
Registered sex offender arrested for rape of 13-year-old girl - Daily Journal
A registered sex offender "released from prison " a month ago is back behind bars accused of raping a 13-year-old girl. Typical
A registered sex offender "released from prison " a month ago is back behind bars accused of raping a 13-year-old girl. Typical
Friday, February 14, 2014
Notoriety isnt a bad thing!!
Seems the usual cast of cartoon characters (sex offenders) are on a warpath and liken themselves to Patriots (fighting the good fight). They are absolutely "giddy" with delight that I made the "idiotregistry" list originated by Dennis Sobin.
(Dennis Sobin, the former pornographer and registered sex offender whom Washington City Paper dubbed D.C.'s oldest living smut kingpin in a 2010 profile, has started a database to register people who register, or promote the registration of, sex offenders.)
Mr. Sobin Has opened the door for a truthful and a much needed debate on the registry, which is long overdue. I have long advocated that for those whose convictions mirror the criteria for consentual "Romeo" crimes should be immediately removed from the registry. Every state has protocol in place now for going forward with prosecution of these circumstances (I wont call them crimes) and States have indeed acknowledged the "Overkill" of placing those involved in these particular instances on a registry is damaging to the futures of those "FEW" who get embroiled.
That being said, the public Must understand that the majority of registrants whose convictions in no way come remotely close to a "Romeo" definition and "do not want" the Romeos removed. These Registrants "hide" behind the Romeos in an attempt to Mirror and confuse the public when confronted about their own status as a registrant, while "banking" the general public won't inquire or research any one particular offender's court records. The push for registry abolishment is in full gear with Mr. Sobin's recent court ruling allowing his "idiotregistry" under the guise of "1st ammendment" freedoms. It is my hope the "Judicial and Correctional failures" will be brought into clarity for the general public. Once this is accomplished the public will "indeed" become more aware of (1) the dire need for the registry and (2) the blaring danger Registrants do pose to the public and (3) the need for harsher repercussions for those who commit these heinous crimes.
I have to thank Mr. Sobin in many ways for allowing me a wider platform to express my opinions on this issue. Yesterday, a German Television Production company did an extensive interview and many other media outlets are interested as well.I have always maintained sex offenders are not the "brighest bulbs in the box" and they are always attempting to diminish my opinions and views on this subject matter. It appears, they have accomplished the exact opposite.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Justice For Jimmy: A Look Back At The Chavez Trial « CBS Miami
Justice For Jimmy: A Look Back At The Chavez Trial « CBS Miami
Today this animal "goes into hell" it will be a day of celebration that "justice" has been delivered. May his soul rot in Hell and his name be forgotten by mankind.
Today this animal "goes into hell" it will be a day of celebration that "justice" has been delivered. May his soul rot in Hell and his name be forgotten by mankind.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Encountering Child Sex Predators On The Internet - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - |
Encountering Child Sex Predators On The Internet - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - |
The bureau's figures show 40,000 chat rooms that are frequented by sexual predators, and your child has a 100 percent chance of encountering one in those chat rooms.
The bureau's figures show 40,000 chat rooms that are frequented by sexual predators, and your child has a 100 percent chance of encountering one in those chat rooms.
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