Sunday, March 9, 2014

How Gail Colletta is looking to "cook the books" on recidivism with the help of Suzonne Kline. Now this "radio show" was a hoot. Gail was desperately grasping at straws to be able to propagandize Low recidivism rates and Doctor (choke) Kline suggested Gail's members "dumb-down" rates for the public but be very careful with the Legislature due to credibility factors. Since I have established a "friendly" relationship with certain legislators I thought it prudent to forward this to them along with their opinions to Florida's lobbyist, Ron Book. Mr. Book doesnt take kindly to derogatory comments made about him on these "recordings" and if anyone doubts it, they can dig up Mary Duvals worthless bones and ask her. Ahh but I digress. Gail's Best friend Derek Logue was chomping at the bit but it seems his comments were not relevent to the topic at hand and he was quietly dismissed after his introduction but like the dutiful son stayed on while I envisioned him spilling food all over his keyboard.(that boy is on his way to becoming a star on "my 600LB Life) Bottom line members were told NOT to use the 5% recidivism rate due to the fact it was bullshit (as I have been saying for years) and it just is too easy to get "caught" finding out its bullshit. One could actually hear Gail "deflating" on the audio that "offenders" arent the choir boys she wants the world to believe. Then they all scrambled like cockroaches when the lites turned on to make sure NO ONE includes "Dynamic mitigating Risk factors" then the numbers jump exponentially for recidivism..and lets face it, I havent run across an offender yet who doesnt have mitigating risk?? (excuses)

Sex offender arrested, charged with molesting boy in Concord | Concord Monitor

Sex offender arrested, charged with molesting boy in Concord | Concord Monitor