Monday, May 26, 2014

Sex, Lies, and Sex Offenders - Part 2 - Sadistic vs Non-Sadistic Offende...

these are the guys pro sex offender groups say "dont exist"???


and another "mother of the Year"?

Nwelsh218 writes: We haven't known each other very long. 2-3 months. No he hasn't had any grooming with my children, but hes not been around my children but 3 times. As far as "reoffending" he maintains his innocence. He was put away for ten years and has only been out for 1 1/2 years, He is going back for at least 20 months for failure to register an address. He hasn't had any other violations. The thing that bothers me the most are the lies. He lied about his name at first. I had to find out his convicted sex offender history on my own. He said it was a woman he knew who accused him of raping her, but then upon further research I discovered it was a child. He finally told the truth about what happened, but I don't know how to trust and believe someone who lied from the beginning. I love the guy. I really do. But I know in my family and circle of friends it wont be accepted. My best friend married a man who her best friend told her he raped her, she didn't believe her friend and now she finds out this ex husband, her oldest sons father, had molested her daughter for years. she didn't believe her friend she believed her husband. I am very torn. since hes going away for at least twenty months I have time to figure it out. I truly love him. I feel myself distancing myself though. My main priority is to protect my children. I don't think he is a bad man. But I cant wrap my head around the lies. Why not tell the truth from the beginning? He was afraid he would lose me. I feel like all the stuff he says could be a ploy to get into my life and be around my children when he gets out. But I don't want to think that way because I care about him and what if hes the real deal? What if he is the REAL DEAL??really?? I was hoping I could get advice from this support group as I don't have a lot of people who I can talk to. "Cant wait to hear the responses on this one"