Sunday, January 19, 2014

Perhaps I should start a Denial of the week blog?

Carol writes; I am married to a RS and he is the best man I have ever knew. "My husband was accused by his daughter who he told at 13 that she couldn’t hang with the bad girls she was hanging with and the next day he was arrested, they had no evidence just her word, he got "life but was later dropped to 11 yrs", she wrote him while he was in prison and told him she never thot it would turn out that bad, well like a dummy he hated her so bad for what she done at that time he tore it up and thru it away, not thinking it may help him later" Carol goes on blame politicians, law enforcement and spiteful wives for her plight. She also mentioned she and her 6 sisters were sexually abused by her father for years and her father's extended family sexually abused their children. She pondered whether it was "heridary"..umm She goes on to "bitch" that her own grandchildren are not allowed in the house now that he has been released. Carol doesnt admit it, but she infers she met him on a prison blog. She mumbles on, that each of "HIS" other children have attempted suicide but blames it on "their lack of contact with their dad" umm? There is much more written by her that is more incredible with every sentence but I'll suffice it to say, Its women like Carol who perpetuate dysfunction in our society for no other reason than they have never lived with out it. We know infamilar sexual abuse is a complicated emotional issue that leaves children torn emotionally, but Carol writes in no uncertian terms she "hates his daughter" for the life Carol has intentionally embarked on but hey..he is the BEST man she ever knew? Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

Your entire blog is a "denial of the week" blog. You are in denial, and you should be in civil commitment before you fuck with the wrong man and end up as alligator bait.

Valigator said...

"Anonymous" must be having a lonely day, what? System says you cant be around kids so you must take your frustration out on the keyboard?? Obviously you havent read my bio numbnut. The "wrong man" usually averages around 36 years after messing with me. You need to keep up.

Valigator said...

Ahh another denial:
""If he would have been convicted of distributing he would have been a tier 2. My son also got his cp through limewire. He had a new computer and couldn't figure out how to disable the file share. Because of that, one video ended up getting shared. I know, he shouldn't have been looking at that stuff anyway. Obviously, he wasn't thinking."""

Wasnt thinking? Thats rather humorous.