Sunday, May 17, 2015

Michigan's sex offender registry under fire#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4

Michigan's sex offender registry under fire#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4#f346f72d2a45ef4

Wow - So this is what "grooming the public looks like" ..Interesting. Too bad Lori didn't ask Mr. Webb how many Hours a day he spends making people "pet projects" when they happen to disagree with him on the internet. I have a question for Mr. Webb, how long did it take him to "erase" all the comments he has made on the web prior to this expose' being released?  He wouldn't appear as the woeful, sorrowful character he wants to pass off to the public if the public were savvy to those comments..This ladies and Gentlemen is Bullshit at its finest.. rather than writer, I suggest Mr. Webb be an actor..